Browsing DT - Multidiciplinary Program by Title
Now showing items 752-761 of 761
Valuasi ex-ante kelayakan ekonomi dan keberlanjutan usahatani jagung transgenik serta analisis faktor-faktor penentu adopsi benih transgenik Di Indonesia
(2008)Di Indonesia jagung merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan strategis setelah padi. Dengan luas areal sekitar 3,5 juta ha dan produksi nasional tahun 2007 sekitar 13 juta ton ternyata belum mampu mencukupkan kebutuhan jagung ... -
Value of water and benefit for communities and Hydropower Way Besai on land use change in Sumberjaya Sub-District, Lampung Barat District, Lampung Province,
(2011)Forest conversion to other land use systems will affect to water supply, both in quantity as well as in quality due to environment services function. Communities use water as an important daily needs, farmers use as an ... -
Virological and Immunological Studies of Dengue Virus Infection in Pigtail Macaques (Macaca nemestrina).
(2010)Satwa primata sangat dibutuhkan untuk meneliti patogenesis demam berdarah dengue (DBD) dan mengevaluasi vaksin dengue (DEN), juga obat antivirus. Sampai saat ini sangat sulit mendapatkan model DBD pada satwa primata. Jadi ... -
Water resource conservation model on sustainable palm oil (Case study: Sub-watershed Lalindu, North Konawe, South East Sulawesi province )
(2013)Oil palm development in Indonesia is facing problems related to the availability of land and allegations most environmental activists who consider that land clearing for palm oil has caused massive environmental damage. ... -
Watershed management dinamic model in sustainable water supply efforts in ambon island peninsula leitimor
(2013)Landcover changes from forest to other uses will impact the hydrological sistem, and result in the availability of water in the watershed Semenajung Leitimor Ambon Island. Population growth in the city of Ambon will be ... -
Wediombo Sustainability Karst Ecotourism Development Model in Gunungkidul District at Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). (ARIS MUNANDAR as Chairman
(2009)Wediombo Karst is part of Gunung Sewu Mountain Karst Area which had been decided as the world heritage since 1994 by the International Speleology Mac Donald British Cave Research Association. Due to its beautiful land- and ...