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dc.description.abstractThe strategic geographical location of Batam has geared this region be developed by the government to be an industrial area which has an important value for the national economic aspect of life. This development of industrial area in fact has created an impact to other growing sectors in the region. However, from another side, the existence of the industrial development has resulted degradation to the coastal and marine resources, such as marine pollution and coastal ecosystem destruction (mangrove, coral reef and sea-grasses) including the decrease in fisheries productivity. The environmental degradation in the coastal and marine environment of Batam City was estimated to be more severe which have been triggered by certain agencies that commercially having only depending on short term benefits without taking care of environmental negative impacts. Therefore a proper management is needed taking into account all related aspects in order to minimize the negative impacts towards the minimum limits on the industrial development of Batam City in the coastal and marine environment. The purpose of this study is to know the quality of the coastal and marine environment, identification of issues and available problems, and to set up strategic coastal and marine environmental management based on impact analysis of industrial activities and its development on the water quality in the coastal environment of Batam City. Based on data analysis it could be put forward that in general the condition of the coastal waters of Batam City are not in a favourable situation. This is due to the worst values of the marine water quality and also the threats to the existence of coastal ecosystem and fishery resources. Some profound activities which impacted the condition are, among others, discharge of industrial waste, land clearing through destruction of forest areas and hills, coastal reclamation by way of mangrove area conversion for other purposes. Therefore proper policy guidance for management is needed taking into account all related aspects that will be supported through active participation of all existed components. The integrated coastal environmental management is needed to be implemented in order to avoid and minimize negative impacts from the industrial activities and its development on the coastal and marine environment. Consequently some strategies are needed in supporting the management. The protection and control for marine pollution by the industrial activity have to be implemented in an integrated and well planned manner which will be supported by the existing rules and regulations, governmental policy and management agencies including qualified human resources, are the prime priorities of the strategy that should be
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subjectCoastal Environmentalid
dc.titlePengelolaan Lingkungan Pesisir di Kawasan Pengembangan Industri Kota Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riauid

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