Profil Lipid Peroksida Hati Tikus Inflamasi yang Diberi Sediaan Nanokurkuminoid.
Inflammation can cause the formation of prostaglandin and free radicals. In addition overcome inflammation, a drug used also need to have an affect as antioxidants to treat the free radicals. This problem can be solved by curcuminoid nanoparticle covered with palmitic acid. This research aims to test antioxidants effect of curcuminoid nanoparticel covered with palmitic acid from curcuma to lipid peroxide levels on inflammation rat hepar. Antioxidants effect of nanokurkuminoid tested on rats that induced by 1% karagenan and the hepar lipid peroxide measured after 24 hours. Lipid peroxide level was measured with spectrophotometer in 532 nm wavelength. The average size of curcuminoid nanoparticle covered with palmitic acid is 561.53 nm with IP score 0.309. Lipid peroxide level of inflammation rats hepar given curcuminoids extract 100 mg/kg BW is 0.27x10-4 nmol/g. It was lower from the nanocurcuminoids 250 mg/kg BW groups which is 1.22 x10-4 nmol/g. Nanocurcuminoids 250 mg/kg BW is 114 times more efficient as an antioxidant than curcuminoids extract 100 mg/kg BW.
- UT - Biochemistry [1328]