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dc.contributor.advisorHasan, Akhmad Endang Zainal
dc.contributor.advisorRiyanti, Eny Ida
dc.contributor.authorSelpani, Bunga Novia
dc.description.abstractCellulose is a biopolymer in nature which is dominant agricultural waste. Many practices degrade cellulose into glucose molecules by using cellulase enzyme. This research aim to identify the cellulolytic bacteria and to test cellulase activities. The methods are platting isolates, halo zone testing, DNA isolation, visualization of DNA fragmen by electrophoresis, 16S rDNA gene amplification by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), 16S rDNA gene divesity analysis with restriction enzymes, DNA sequensing analysis, and enzymatic assay using CMC selective media. Six isolates were analyzed by restriction enzyme and showed three diversity of based, its differences by size. The size of the bases are 1500 bp, 850 bp, and <850 bp. Sequensing DNA by GeneBank in NCBI web are 85% indentical between Cellvibrio fibrivorans to isolate D714 and then 81% identical to Cellvibrio gandavensis to isolate J531. Enzyme activities of isolates D714, D533, J731, and J531 has been tested enzyme to get the highest activity on seventh day is 0.1054 IU/mL, 0.0996 IU/mL, 0.101 IU/mL, and 0.9689 IU/
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.subject.ddcMolecular biologyid
dc.titleIdentifikasi Bakteri Selulolitik Asal Tanah Situ Gede dengan Teknik Genetika
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcellulolytic bacteriaid
dc.subject.keywordcellulase enzymeid
dc.subject.keywordgene 16S rDNAid

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