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dc.contributor.advisorEffendi, Hefni
dc.contributor.advisorWijayanto, Hari
dc.contributor.authorVenita, Rachma
dc.description.abstractThe rapid development activities that occurred in Indonesia has the potential to put pressure on the environment. Therefore it requires sustainable development efforts with one of environment instrument by through Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Along with the development and environmental conditions adjustment, EIA policy has undergone several changes. With EIA policy changes, evaluation on EIA performance needs to be done. In this research the performance evaluation conducted on 15 EIA document issued by the District and City of Bogor in 2012 through 2014. The purpose of this research is to analyze the EIA document quality and classification based on the type of industry, the fulfillment of environment eligibility criteria on EIA documents, the implementation of ministerial regulation no 08 year 2013 assessment guidelines procedures by the two certified EIA verifiers respondents and identify the perceptions of EIA actors (companies, consultants, government, experts and the public) about the EIA document quality dan environmental eligibility criteria. The analysis methods in this research are the analysis of the document quality criteria that focused on consistency aspect quality test, necessity aspect, relevancy aspect and environment feasibility analysis with weighting criteria, Pearson correlation analysis of the two certified verifier to show the similarity assessment method procedure and descriptive analysis of 50 EIA respondents distributed questionnaire to identify perceived quality of documents and environmental eligibility criteria. From the analysis, the documents are best seen from the EIA documents with tourist accommodation facilities categories by score of 81. Also from the eligibility criteria analysis resulted that three from fifteen analized documents are not feasible with the benchmark in EIA environment feasibility document. The implementation of ministerial regulation 08 of 2013 guidance carried out by both EIA certified verifier respondents shows a positive correlation results by 0.681. The EIA document quality and eligibility criteria assesment have been made by some of EIA respondents but the results are still need further research and more
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.subject.ddcEnvironmental Scienceid
dc.subject.ddcConservation measures and managementid
dc.subject.ddcBogor-Jawa Baratid
dc.titleAnalisis Mutu dan Kriteria Kelayakan Dokumen AMDAL di Kabupaten Bogor dan Kota Bogorid
dc.subject.keywordquality documentid
dc.subject.keywordeligibility criteriaid

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