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dc.contributor.advisorFauzi, Akhmad
dc.contributor.advisorIstiqomah, Asti
dc.contributor.authorAmalia Retnasari S
dc.description.abstractElectricity has becomes an important thing in human’s life. The Indonesia’s electricity main source of power is originates from fossils, a nonrenewable resources. The increase of power plant development in fueling electricity demand will have impact on decreasing fossil resources, therefore an alternative electric power originate from renewable resources are needed. One of the energy resource that can developed is ocean current energy. Nusa Penida strait is one of location Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Arus Laut (PLTAL) pilot project installation with installed capacity ten kilowatt (KW). The presence of PLTAL have given light to 25 street lamps that installed in Toyopakeh village. This study aimed to (1) identify benefit which Toyopakeh village citizens perceived, (2) study the opportunity readiness to pay and estimate the value of willingness to pay citizens of Toyopakeh village, and (3) analize management scheme and PLTAL development in Nusa Penida strait. The economic and sosiocultural benefit perceived by Toyopakeh village citizens in the night are increasing works effectivity for seaweed strapper, shop opened over night, easier to moored jukung and speedboat, ship monitoring, load and unloading, fishing, and ashes disposal. The presence of PLTAL Nusa Penida had less environmental impact probability. Citizens with high income or low income had similar opportunity readiness. Citizens with high academic level had opportunity readiness 1.291 point more than not ready to pay. Based on Turnbull estimator distribution, the mean WTP value was at Rp 7.894,695 and Rp 10.641,891 range, whereas based on Spearmen-Karber calculation, mean WTP value was at Rp 11.768,293. Stakeholder which had been and can be participate directly or indirectly in the PLTAL management and development processes in Nusa Penida divided by 5 types, namely researchers, bureaucration, funding, developer and
dc.subject.ddcSocial economicsid
dc.titleEstimasi Willingness to pay masyarakat terhadap keberlanjutan pilot project PLTAL di Selat Nusa Penida, Baliid
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural Universityid
dc.subject.keywordwillingness to
dc.subject.keywordocean current energyid
dc.subject.keywordNusa Penida straitid

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