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dc.contributor.advisorSugiarti, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorDarmawan, Noviyan
dc.contributor.authorIqbal, Muhamad
dc.description.abstractCarbon nanoparticles (C-dot) are among the materials which have fluorescence ability. C-dot can be synthesized from various materials with high carbon composition. The purposes of this research were to synthesize and characterize C-dot from kerosene soot and fine coal. C-dot was synthesized using the acid oxidation method with HNO3 as an oxidizing agent. The synthesized of Cdot has been conducted successfully with verification through out visual analysis, UV-Vis, fluorescence, and FTIR. The results showed that C-dot luminescence under 336 nm ultraviolet lamp increased with increasing concentrations of C-dot from both sources at 100, 250, 500, and 1000 ppm. UV-Vis measurement showed new absorption peaks indicating electronic transition from π→π* at 234 nm for Cdot from kerosene soot and 245 nm for C-dot from fine coal. The maximum emission obtaining from fluorescent measurement was 521 nm for C-dot from kerosene soot and 516 nm for C-dot from fine coal. Infrared spectrum showed real differences between C-dot and the starting material which indicated the success of functionalization at C-dot surface.en
dc.titleSintesis Nanopartikel Karbon Berfluoresens dari Jelaga Kerosen dan Fine Coalen
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordkerosene sooten
dc.subject.keywordkerosene sooten
dc.subject.keywordfine coalen
dc.subject.keywordcarbon nanoparticleen

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