Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Studi Transisi Keluarga dan Sistem Gotong Royong 

      Megawangi, Ratna | Hartoyo | Guhardja, Suprihatin | Sumarwan, Ujang | Heryanto, Yayat (1996-07-01)
      The purpose of this study is to examine the changes of urban and rural community’s gotong-royong. The gotong-royong system analyzed include child care, social activitie, and religious activities. Data were gathered from ...
    • Studi Transisi Keluarga, Konsumsi Pangan dan Gizi dan Status Gizi Anak Balita 

      Latifah, Melly | Megawangi, Ratna | Guhardja, Suprihatin | Hartoyo | Sumarwan, Ujang | Heryatno, Yayat (1996-07-01)
      The objectives of the study were to investigate the effect of family enviroments (socialeconomic, demographic, and culture) and food consumption on nutritional status of children under five. Data were collected from the ...