Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Gambaran Histopatologi Hati Kalong di Gorontalo 

      Utami, Suannisa Nur | Handharyani, Ekowati | Setiyono, Agus (2013)
      Acerodon celebensis and Pteropus hypomelanus are the species of fruit bats that live in Gorontalo. They are potential as reservoir of infectious agents, such as Hendra virus, Nipah virus, and Menangle virus. The aims of ...
    • Gambaran Histopatologi Organ Limpa pada Kalong Asal Gorontalo 

      Wiranti, Rahayu Woro | Handharyani, Ekowati (2013)
      Acerodon celebensis and Pteropus hypomelanus are species of Chiroptera that lived at Gorontalo. Those species are known as fruit bats that has potential as reservoir host for several zoonosis cases. The aim of this study ...
    • Mikosis sistemik pada kelelawar buah: gambaran histopatologi organ interna 

      Suryaman, Ganita Kurniasih | Handharyani, Ekowati (2015)
      Systemic mycoses recently have become increasingly important with the raising number of risk population whereas fruit bats are a potential vector of the disease. The aim of this research was to find systemic mycoses in ...
    • Studi kasus : gambaran histopatologi organ ginjal pada kalong di Gorontalo 

      Widyanti, Irnanda Hary | Winarsih, Wiwin | Handharyani, Ekowati (2013)
      Fruit bats were world wide distributed mammals including in Indonesia. This study used samples called Kalong Gorontalo (KG) of the kidney from three species of fruit bats (Acerodon celebensis, Dobsonia exoleta, and Pteropus ...