Identifikasi Pengaruh Variabilitas Iklim Di Kota Bogor Terhadap Adaptasi dan Pengeluaran Masyarakat
Indonesian territory south of the equator is now going on a longer dry season and the rainy season is shorter but with a higher rainfall. It also occurs in Bogor on climate indicator of temperature, rainfall, number of rainy days, and the number of days without rain. Climate variability is expected to impact the adaptation strategies and household expenditure indirectly. This study aims to analyzed the public perception about climate change, analyze the community adaptation to face the climate change, analyzed the impact of climate change on household expenditure, and identified factors that affect the community in adapting to climate changes. This study used a descriptive method and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study is that the adaptation of temperature increased on low-income, medium-income, and high-income community through roof improvement amount of 6%, 14%, and 36%, and used the fan amount of 38%, 70%, dan 62%. In adaptation from changed the rainfall and rainy days through roof fixing amount of 48%, 66%, and 66%, and used umbrella amount of 76%, 74%, and 86%. Increasing temperature affected on household expenditure for adaptation through home improvement or addition and the use of household goods amount of Rp 2 433 070, Rp 7 038 930, Rp 20 580 640 and household expenditure by climate change with changing the rainfall and rainy days amount of Rp 4 588 290, Rp 20 383 370, Rp 49 758 430 .