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dc.contributor.advisorBintang, Maria
dc.contributor.authorSrimadani, Wahyu
dc.description.abstractOne way of preserving the fresh shallot is by processing it into the powderform. The purpose of this study is to optimize the addition of fillers ingredients and the stabilizer on the making process of Bima-variety of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L) powder to avoid damage on shallot in order to keep antioxidant containts and other quality parameters during dryng process. The optimization was conducted by Response Surface Methode (RSM). The selected formula is the fourth (4th) formula with addition of maltodextrin 0.65%, tapioca, 6.50%, and citric acid 225 ppm with the value yield 15.44 %, water content 2.63%, ash content 2.14%, fat content 0.45%, protein content 8.02%, crude fibre content 4.42%, vitamin C 150.23 mg/100g, total phenols 6327.42 ppm Gallic Acid Equivalence (GAE), antioxidant activity 902.71 ppm Ascorbic Acid Equivalent (AAE) with 94.74% inhibition of free radical. The best treatment according to the organoleptic-parameters is using addition of maltodextrin 1%, tapioca 10% and citric acid 300 ppm and the color of shallot powder based on the Hue°-value is a reddish yellow.en
dc.titleOptimasi Bahan Pengisi dan Penstabil terhadap Antioksidasi Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Tepung Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L)en
dc.subject.keywordShallot (Allium ascalonicum L) powderen
dc.subject.keywordcitric aciden
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en

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