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dc.contributor.advisorSaprudin, Deden
dc.contributor.advisorPutra, Budi Riza
dc.contributor.authorQomariyah, Nurul
dc.description.abstractThe quality of temu lawak is determined by its active substance that contained therein. Determination of the active substance needs quick and low cost method, as well as, accurate measurement. Voltammetry technique is chosen because it meets these criteria. A gold nanoparticle-modified carbon paste electrode was used as a working electrode and its performances needs to be tested. Performance test was done for several parameters such as potential effects and deposition time, pH, and concentration. The optimum potential and deposition time were 0.5 V and 800 seconds, respectively, while the optimum pH obtained was 6.0. The electrode showed linear response toward concentration of the extract in the range of 0.5˗ 3.5% (w/v) with determination coefficient of 0.9630en
dc.titleElektrode Pasta Karbon Termodifikasi Nanopartikel Emas untuk Mendeteksi Zat Aktif pada Ekstrak Temu Lawaken
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordtemu lawaken
dc.subject.keywordgold nanoparticleen
dc.subject.keywordcarbon paste electrodeen

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