Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Analisi Transformasi Massa Air ARLINDO di Selat Lombok 

      Yuliardi, Amir Yarkhasy | Atmadipoera, Agus Saleh | Harsono, Gentio | Natih, Nyoman Metta N (2021)
      Selat Lombok sebagai salah satu selat keluaran (outflow straits) dari lintasan Arus Lintas Indonesia (ARLINDO), berperan penting dalam proses transformasi massa air ARLINDO yang berasal dari Samudera Pasifik ke Samudera ...
    • Transformation and Mixing of Water Masses in Alor Strait in July 2011 

      Purwandana, Adi | Purba, Mulia | S. Atmadipoera, Agus (2012)
      Alor Strait is the deepest channel in Alor islands after Ombai Strait. Contribution of the strait as one of the secondary exit passages of Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) has not been studied yet. The strait separates Flores ...