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dc.contributor.advisorFirdaus, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorSyaukat, Abdurrahman Fathony
dc.description.abstractAir adalah kebutuhan dasar manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Berdasarkan penjelasan berdasarkan Al-Quran, air digolongkan kepada harta yang haknya dimiliki oleh setiap umat karena urgensi kebutuhannya. Komoditas air memiliki manfaat, tetapi kepemilikannya kerap menimbulkan sengketa pemilik hak antara masyarakat dan instansi, seperti PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka sebagai perusahaan air minum dalam kemasan (AMDK) dari minuman isotonik Pocari Sweat yang menggunakan air sebagai bahan baku produksi. Air yang digunakan untuk produksi berasal dari Desa Kutajaya yang sumber air tanahnya juga dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sekitar. Kondisi ini menimbulkan permasalahan hak kepemilikan air bersih bagi warga karena sumber air bersih diprivatisasi oleh perusahaan. Warga RT 07 RW 04 yang bersebelahan langsung dengan perusahaan mengalami kekeringan air dan kekeruhan air pada sebagian responden. Penelitian ini menganalisis persepsi responden sebelum dan sesudah adanya PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka di Desa Kutajaya, nilai Willingness To Pay dan Willingness To Accept beserta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi dan titik perpotongannya, dan solusi air bersih menggunakan analytical hierarchy process (AHP) serta pandangan maqashid syariah Islam ditinjau dari dua kondisi, yaitu bila maqashid syariah tidak ditegakan dan bila maqashid syariah ditegakan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan masyarakat menginginkan kompensasi atas hak air bersih yang hilang dengan aliran air bersih oleh PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka.en
dc.description.abstractWater is one of the basic human daily needs. Islam reviews on its urgency that water is categorized as a property that every human being has rights on its ownership. Water as a commodity has many benefits, however the ownership often leads to disputes between residents and the private agencies, such as bottled water company. PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka that is known for its isotonic drink, Pocari Sweat. The company uses water as one of the raw material of its production. The water used for the production is obtained from the village of Kutajaya as ground water that is also utilized by iii the surrounding residents. This condition raises ownership issues on water as a source of clean water that is privatized by the company. Resident of RT 07 RW 04 is located directly next to the water company drought water. This study analyzes the perceptions of the respondents on impacts before and after PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka started its production in Kutajaya. The willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to accept (WTA) is also analyzed. And not to forget alternative solution by analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Islamic law is viewed by maqashid sharia. As result of the analysis, it is known that respondents desire compensation for the right of their clean water because of the lack of access to clean water from PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka. Therefore purchasing back clean water from the company (BELI) is one of the alernative solution.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University
dc.titleDampak komersialisasi dan privatisasi pt. Amerta indah otsuka terhadap sumber air bersih dari sudut pandang syariah islam (kasus desa kutajaya, Kota Sukabumi)en
dc.title.alternativeCommercialization and privatization impact by pt. Amerta indah otsuka on water resources from islamic shariah perspective (case kutajaya village, Sukabumi)en
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen
dc.subject.keywordAir Bersihen
dc.subject.keywordContingent Valuation Method (CVM)en
dc.subject.keywordMaqashid Syariahen

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