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dc.contributor.advisorHariyadi, Sigid
dc.contributor.advisorPratiwi, Niken TM
dc.contributor.authorIdris, Ita Rahmana
dc.description.abstractThe Polder System of Ebony Lake receive water from household drainase and run-off input, Ebony Lake has high turbidity and bad odor, it indicated the occurrence of organic matter pollution. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in water of Ebony Lake through bioremediation procces by Salvinia molesta and Pistia stratiotes. The main parameters were COD, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, sulfide, orthophosphate, and turbidity. Based on the results of the study, it was found that a decline in the value of COD, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate, sulfide, and turbidity. However, the decrease was not different in the control treatment. This is presumably due to other factors, namely bacteria or microorganisms that decompose organic matter. Decomposition results in the form of inorganic nutrients and water used by plant for growth. This is evident from the increased extent of the closure and the water plant biomass.en
dc.subject.ddcWater polutionen
dc.subject.ddcAquatic resources managementen
dc.titleAplikasi Salvinia molesta dan Pistia stratiotes sebagai Agen Bioremediasi untuk Memperbaiki Kualitas Perairan Danau Ebony Jakarta Utaraen
dc.subject.keywordSalvinia molestaen
dc.subject.keywordPistia stratiotesen
dc.subject.keywordwater qualityen
dc.subject.keywordorganic materialen

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