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dc.contributor.advisorDjuraidah, Anik
dc.contributor.advisorAngraini, Yenni
dc.contributor.authorHidayad, Deddy
dc.description.abstractNowadays, the number of credit card customer and provider has increasing. It makes the competition among providers tighter. Customer characteristic which is different between each other, make credit card provider give different promotion to hold their customers. One of method in customer relationship management is k-means cluster analysis. In this method customer divide into a group based on their similar characteristic. Data in this research show bank "XXX" credit card use transaction record in any merchants. The result of this research tells that there are two groups of customer. Characteristic of the first group is total transaction 64 million a year, and the other group is 56 million a year. The other characteristic of group 1 are age between 34 years and 42 years, occupation BUMN/BUMD, education Bachelor and saving deposit between 1 milion and 10 milion. Group 2 characteristics are age between 34 years and 42 years, occupation non-PNS/BUMN/BUMD, education High School and saving deposit less than 1 milion. The promotion strategy that could give to the customer is discount the thr related group.en
dc.subject.ddcAnalisis Gerombolen
dc.titleAnalisis Gerombol k-rataan untuk Segmentasi Nasabah Pengguna Kartu Kredit Studi Kasus Bank "XXX"en
dc.subject.keywordmultiple correspondence analysis.en
dc.subject.keywordk-means cluster analysisen
dc.subject.keywordcredit carden

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