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dc.contributor.advisorWiyono, Eko Sri
dc.contributor.advisorAstarini, Julia Eka
dc.contributor.authorHertika, Augustia
dc.description.abstractPPI Muara Angke is one of the fisheries landing sites which is located in DKI Jakarta. Fishing gear that is often used in PPI Muara Angke is purse seine. The aim of this study was to analyze the technical, biological, social and economic aspects of purse seine fishery in PPI Muara Angke. The method of this research was a survey method by analyze each aspects descriptively. Technically, purse seiner in PPI Muara Angke have size 25-125 GT and operate in the North region of the Java Sea, Bangka Belitung, Karimata Strait, Natuna Sea, South region of the China Sea and the others. The number of fisherman is 30-40 people. Biologically, the fishing gear has high catch species diversity with a low selectivity. Socially, purse seine fisheries in PPI Muara Angke implement sharing system, money deposits and wages catch bait. It is can also be well received by the local community. Economically, purse seine fisheries in PPI Muara Angke gain huge profits and having a good investment prospecting.en
dc.subject.ddcMuara Angke-Jakartaen
dc.subject.ddcFisheries resourcesen
dc.titleKeragaan Perikanan Purse Seine di PPI Muara Angke, Jakarta Utaraen
dc.subject.keywordpurse seineen
dc.subject.keywordsurvey methoden
dc.subject.keywordMuara Angkeen

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