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dc.contributor.advisorRindayati, Rindayati,
dc.contributor.authorSary, Hesty Ambar
dc.description.abstractEast Indonesia is a part of Indonesian region which has a wealth of natural that can be developed and potential to become a growth centers. However, this wealth natural resource has not been supported by human resource both in quality and quantity. This can be reflected from the HDI (Human Development Index) in a relatively low in East Indonesia. Regional autonomy was implemented in Indonesia since 2001 aims to improve the welfare of the society and is expected to increase HDI and reduce poverty. The objective of this study is to describe Local Economic Governance (LEG), poverty and HDI in the region and to analyze the impact of LEG on poverty and HDI in East Indonesia. The data were processed using descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis to estimate Ordinary Least Square. The results showed that LEG conditions in East Indonesia still inequity. The level of poverty districts/cities in East Indonesia is still high and HDI is still relatively low. Variables that can significantly increase the HDI in East Indonesia is business licensing, regulatory regions, capacity and integrity of regent / mayor, security and conflict resolution, as well as GDP per capita and education spending. While the variables that can reduce the level of poverty is local infrastructure, business licensing, capacity and integrity of regent/mayor, security and conflict resolution, GDP per capita and education spending .en
dc.titlePengaruh Tata Kelola Ekonomi Daerah Terhadap Tingkat Kemiskinan dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia di Kawasan Timur Indonesiaen
dc.subject.keywordEast Indonesiaen

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