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dc.contributor.advisorMulatsih, Sri
dc.contributor.authorMagistra, Zulfati Rahma
dc.description.abstractOne kind of food which has important role in developing the food security and create human resources who has healthy quality is food animal proteins. The government is targeting food consumption of animal protein as much as 7.2 g/capita/ day in 2014. Food sources of animal protein can be derived from livestock or fishery products like ruminant meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and milk. This study aims to analyze the pattern of household consumption in Bogor Regency, analyze the level of demand elasticity, and perform simulations to analyze the impact of higher prices for meat. The data used comes from SUSENAS 2012 with 1125 households in Bogor Regency. The analytical method used was descriptive analysis and model of Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS). The analysis showed that the type of ruminant meat consumption group was very inelastic and have a lower level of consumption than other animal protein foods. People in Bogor Regency consume more fish than ruminant meat. Increasing the prices of beef could make other public consumption for food source of animal proteins is down. Food protein consumption for the people of Bogor regency have met the target set by the governmenten
dc.titleDampak Kenaikan Harga Daging Sapi terhadap Pola Konsumsi Pangan Sumber Protein Hewani di Kabupaten Bogor.en
dc.subject.keywordconsumption patternsen
dc.subject.keywordanimal proteinen

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