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dc.contributor.advisorMulatsih, Sri
dc.contributor.authorShinta, Nindya
dc.description.abstractSukabumi Regency has a relatively high rate potential production of poultry. However, the pattern of the consumption of Sukabumi Regency people shows that fish is utilized as the main source of animal protein. Hence, the objectives of the present research are: (1) to analyze the consumption pattern of animal protein in Sukabumi Regency's households, (2) to analyze the elasticity level of demand on animal protein in households, (3) to analyze the level of consumption and the level of animal protein adequacy in households. The present research was conducted using the Almost Ideal Demand System. The research results suggest that all groups of participants (low income, moderate income and high income group) consume fish as the main source of animal protein. Low income group's rate in consuming fish is 11.29 kg/capita/year, moderate income group's rate is 11.98 kg/capita/year and high income group's rate is 21.72 kg/capita/year. Besides, the results indicate that all groups of participants consume ruminant as the animal protein source the least. Low income group consumes 0.00 kg/capita/year, moderate income group consumes 0.13 kg/capita/year and high income group consumes 1.37 kg/capita/year. According to the protein adequacy level in Sukabumi Regency only eggs have meet the standard of Widyakarya adequacy with adequacy rate is 134.38 percent. As for ruminant is only met 26.36 percent, poultry is 98.86 percent, fish is 57.71 percent and milk is 39.73 percenten
dc.titlePola Konsumi dan Kecukupan Protein Hewani Rumah Tangga Kabupaten Sukabumien
dc.subject.keywordPattern of consumption.en
dc.subject.keywordProtein Adequacyen

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