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dc.contributor.advisorSinaga, Bonar M.
dc.contributor.authorNurahmah, Anindyah
dc.description.abstractBandung Barat District has tourism potential which contribute to increase regional economic development. Tourism activities support bussiness unit and create employment for local community. Wana Wisata Cikole is a new natural tourism spot in Lembang Subdistrict, Bandung Barat District and has not yet known to many people. However a competition within tourism object around Lembang Subdistrict become a threat to the development of Wana Wisata Cikole. The purposes of the study were to: (1) identify the characteristics of tourist, business units, and labor in Wana Wisata Cikole, (2) analyze the economic impact of recreational activities in Wana Cikole on local community, (3) analyze the tourist satisfaction rate on tourism attributes in Wana Wisata Cikole, and (4) formulate management strategy of Wana Wisata Cikole. Analysis used were descriptive analysis to identify the characteristics of tourist, business units, and labor, Multiplier Effect to analyze the economic impact, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) to analyze tourist satisfaction index, and Strenght Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT) to formulate the management strategy. Multiplier Effect analysis shows that Wana Wisata Cikole has been given direct, indirect, and induced economic impact on the economy of local community. The tourist satisfaction index of Wana Wisata Cikole is at satisfied criteria. To improve tourism services, the tourism management needs to increase the quality and the quantity of employees, improve the availability of information boards, enhance the security system, increase the amount of tour guide, as well as improve the handling of visitors complaints. Alternative management strategies of Wana Wisata Cikole to increase economic impact on local community are adds new tourist attraction as well as adds facility and infrastructure.en
dc.titleDampak Ekonomi dan Strategi Pengelolaan Ekowisata di Wana Wisata Cikole Kabupaten Bandung Baraten
dc.subject.keywordmanagement strategy.en
dc.subject.keywordcustomer satisfaction indexen
dc.subject.keywordmultiplier effecten
dc.subject.keywordeconomic impacten
dc.subject.keywordWana Wisata Cikoleen

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