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dc.contributor.advisorSuharnoto, Yuli
dc.contributor.authorAbdullah, Nirwal Mahdi
dc.description.abstractWater resources management, especially around the coast in agriculture today is needed to support empowerment in agriculture. The purpose of this study is to analyze the slope stability and seepage weir urugan as design of the weir and in Tegal River, River Buntu Village, Pedes subdistrict, Karawang . The results showed that the weir estimates are appropriate and can be built is a concrete weir with a weir height and weir urugan 1,7 m, 0,95 m high water upstream and downstream water levels 0,75 m . Shear force values and bolster the stability of the concrete weir obtained are still below the safety factor , the slice force and shear force while receiving and not receiving the load of each load is still allowed. The planned dam has a value of soil cohesion 1,8 kN/m3 and angle in the style of 34 . Safety factor for slope stability at 1,815 and seepage discharge that occurs in the soil is equal to 1,7408 x10-4 liter/second.en
dc.titleAnalisis Stabilitas Bendung dan Rembesan pada Perencanaan Bangunan Bendung di Desa Sungai Buntu Karawangen
dc.subject.keywordseepage at urugan weir.en
dc.subject.keywordurugan slope stabilityen
dc.subject.keywordweir concrete stabilityen

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