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dc.contributor.advisorHastuti, Dwi
dc.contributor.advisorMegawangi, Ratna
dc.contributor.authorAnggari, Dian
dc.description.abstractEmotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability of humans to function and express emotions in an appropriate manner. The ability of humans to optimize its intelligence was originated since an early child through families, school and communities. This study aimed to determine effect of care and stimulation at home and school. The study was conducted in six early childhood program in Bogor district, consisting of two non-formal early childhood program (namely PAUD), two early chilhood education programs using holistic education approach and Developmentally Appropriate Practices/DAP (namely Semai Benih Bangsa) and two Kindergartens which were selected purposively. Data were collected using an instrument of HOME (Home Observation and Measurement on Environment, Caldwell and Bradley 1984) and instrument of emotional intelligence for early childhood. DAP learning process using an instrument that developed by Dwi Hastuti (2010). The data collection took place from June to August 2013. The result showed that children from kindergarten preschool model scored highest in quality of maternal care, and then followed by the PAUD model and the SBB model. However emotional intelligence of children showed that children of SBB has the highest emotional intelligence, followed by PAUD and Kindergarten. Learning process obsevation showed that SBB with DAP curicullum has hihgest scored than two others models. When the red line drawn on the quality of maternal care until the child's emotional intelligence, it turns out the low stimulation obtained child at home can be covered by the stimulation in the school curriculum through the implementation of Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP), thus increasing the emotional intelligence scores of children, on the contrary though children get stimulation either at home, but not balanced with good stimulation in school (especially through the curriculum DAP), or even at school get less stimulation will produce children with lower emotional intelligence. In other words, stimulation in school that use curriculum that refers to the curriculum Developmentally Appropriate Practices/DAP has a very important role, especially in determining the emotional intelligence of early child. Statistical analysis using regression showes that quality’s maternal care is not significant to the emotional intelligence however children age and SBB model that using holistic education approach and Developmentally Appropriate Practices/DAP had positive effect on emotional intelligence. It also showed that child ‘s age, quality of teacher education and the implementation models of SBB give positive and significant impact to early child’s emotional intelligence.en
dc.titleEffect of Mother’s Parenting Quality and Model of Early Childhood Education on Emotional Intelligence of Early ChildhooDen
dc.subject.keywordquality of maternal careen
dc.subject.keywordpreschool education modelen
dc.subject.keywordemotional intelligenceen

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