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dc.contributor.advisorWidigdo, Bambang
dc.contributor.advisorWardiatno, Yusli
dc.contributor.authorRachmanzah, Dicky
dc.description.abstractIn order to evaluate the accomplishment of community empowerment program in the coastal district of Karawang, so the program can continue and be implemented effectively in achieving its goal, then needed a study on the implementation of the academic programme of empowerment-based sustainable management of coastal communities. This study aims to: 1) assess the suitability of the empowerment program implementation and goals through the introduction of programs implementation indexes and achievement of goals indexes, 2) identify influences of enforcement variable mentioned in empowerment guidelines against goals of empowerment programs, the objectives in the form of ecology, economic, and social dimensions, and 3) formulate strategy that needs to be done so the program can continue and be implemented effectively in achieving its goal. The result of studies have shown that:1) Program Implementation Index that states conformance level of coastal community empowerment program is worth 2.42 with the Good category. Performance indicators that require improvement efforts in order to achieve a better category, ie punctuality indicators of aid distribution, 2) Achievement Index that states the level of achievement goals of empowerment program is worth 2.14 with enough categories. Improving the quality of the environment and increased institutional groups indicators in the category of quite and require attention and improvement efforts in order to achieve a better category, 3) all of implementation variable hasn’t effect against the objectives in the form of ecology, 4) against the objectives in the form of economic,variable aid delivery timeliness,adequacy of the amount of aid, and mentoring activity has a positive effect, while the incidence of drought has negative impact, and 5) against the objectives in the form of social, only mentoring activities has a positive effect. By considering the results of the analysis,some policy options that need to be done by KKP are: 1) improvement of objectives in the form of ecology objectives through the provision of intensive to the farmers who are certified CBIB, 2) timing adjustment aid to the cultivation season to increase the effectiveness of objectives in the form of economic; and 3) Improved support for mentoring activities, to increase the objectives in the form of social.en
dc.titleStudy on the implementation of the academic programme of empowerment-based sustainable management of coastal communities for Milkfish Aquaculture in the coastal district of Karawangen

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