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dc.contributor.advisorSetyobudiandi, Isdradjad
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Andi
dc.description.abstractCilacap mangrove ecosystem is one of the important natural resource on the south coast of Java . The strategic location and potential tourist attraction, causing this area serve as a center for tourism. One of the attractions of mangrove that has good potential as a center of education is Brackish Forest Tourism Area in Tritih Kulon, Tourism is a buffer zone Segara Anakan Area of protected. However there are some problems that occur, (1) population growth, (2) cutting / destruction of mangroves, (3) declining interest of visitors, (4) lack of coordination of stakeholders, (5) the lack of maintenance of tourist facilities, and (6) lack of local public education. The purpose of this study is to formulate development strategies in tourist areas of brackish forest Tritih Kulon based resource carrying capacity and suitability of coastal areas. Analysis of the data used in this research is a trade-off analysis, analysis of the suitability and carrying capacity of the region and Development Strategy of Brackish Forest Tourism Area in Tritih Kulon. The results of the analysis of the trade-off suggests that ecotourism is an alternative scenario first (93,93), second alternative scenario wanawisata (33,26) and third alternate shore excursions (1,37). This is due to ecotourism scenarios apply three basic principles, namely the balance of economically profitable, socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable. Suitability index analysis showed one station and three stations are included in the category of very suitable (S1) with IKW 77%, the corresponding category (S2) with IKW 64% and 56% contained at four stations and five stations, as well as the corresponding conditional category (S3) contained the two stations with IKW 49%, with visitor carrying capacity analysis indicates there is a track proposals waters 131 people/day, and track land activity totaled 232 people/day. Ecotourism development strategies in Brackish Forest Tourism Area in Tritih Kulon by five major priorities are: 1) integrating the role of institutions (stakeholders) in building a shared commitment towards ecotourism competitive seed, 2) enforce the law through supervisory cooperation and local communities in order to create a tourist area brackish forest conservation and sustainable development, 3) improve and enhance infrastructure swamp forest tourism area in order to create an atmosphere that is comfortable, safe and satisfying visitors, 4) create a museum and laboratory biota Mangrove Arboretum Center Cilacap (MACCI) as mangrove ecotourism education center, and 5) utilizing the farms that are still productive areas for the cultivation of mangrove biota specifically with silvofishery approach as a leading ecotourism.en
dc.titleDevelopment Strategy of Brackish Forest Tourism Area in Tritih Kulon, Cilacap, Central Java Provinceen
dc.subject.keywordCarrying capacityen
dc.subject.keywordTritih Kulon Cilacapen

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