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dc.contributor.authorPertiwi, Yuki Indah
dc.description.abstractTourism area of Pawon Cave is a new place of special interest tourism managed by the government district of West Bandung (KBB). Pawon Cave tourism activities have positive impact such as labor absorption and improving incomes for local communities. The economic impact is due to the economic transactions between local community and the tourists. The tourists have interest in the potential of natural beauty, history, and education. The potential of these resources need to be assessed economically because Pawon Cave have admission rates not yet, so it is open access and tend to be rated lower than the actual value. A management strategy is needed to develop a product and market ecotourism Pawon Cave. The purpose of research was to estimate the economic value of tourism area existence, to calculate the economic impact of tourism activities to the local economy, and to analyze the management strategies of Pawon Cave. Benefit’s tourism in Pawon Cave is assessed with Travel Cost Methods. Education level, number of dependents, and income’s respondents significantly influenced by frequency of visits. The tourism economic value of the existence Pawon Cave per year is Rp 102 604 000. Pawon Cave provide economic impact to the local economy directly, that analyzed with a multiplier effect, Keynesian Income Multiplier values obtained at 1.18. The economic impact is quite good although in small-scale indirectly and induced that characterized by the value of the Type I Income Multiplier Ratio is 1.30 , and the value of the Type II Income Multiplier Ratio is 1.51. The Management strategies can applied to the Pawon Cave with SWOT analysis, among others: (1) to continue the master plan as well as provide support for the development of the potential of the environment, (2) to improve of human resources , (3) to develop of facilities and infrastructure into appropriate , (4) to increase the distinctiveness of the tourist attractiveness of the tour , and (5) to conduct tourism promotion through various media.en
dc.titleAnalisis Dampak Ekonomi dan Strategi Pengelolaan Wisata Goa Pawon di Kawasan Karst Citatah, Kecamatan Cipatat, Kabupaten Bandung Barat.en
dc.subject.keywordTravel Cost Methoden
dc.subject.keywordPawon Caveen
dc.subject.keywordMultiplier Effecten

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