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dc.contributor.advisorIsmail, Ahyar
dc.contributor.authorKhoirunnisaa, Rizqiyyah Yasmin
dc.description.abstractGunung Bunder tourism area is located in Gunung Bunder village Pamijahan district Bogor. Since 2003 this location was included in expansion of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (GHSNP) so that this area belongs to the utilization zone. The diversion status of Gunung Bunder tourism area to the National Park expected to have a benefit impact for the local community and visitors. Therefore, it was necessary to analyze economic value, economic impact and prospects of the development of the tourist area of Gunung Bunder area to determine how much the generated influences from Gunung Bunder existence for surrounding community and the tourism sustainability. Factors that affect the tourism and economic value was estimated by Individual Travel Cost Method. Based on the study, three factors that affect the interests of tourists to visit Gunung Bunder were (1) the period of tourism object determined (2) age, and (3) distance which subsequently obtained the economic value of Gunung Bunder was Rp 3 163 231 383. Economic impact generated from tourism activities could be direct, indirect and induced impacts which measured by the value of the multiplier effect where the results of this research was 1.77 for the keynesian income multiplier, 1.91 for ratio income multiplier type 1, and 2.43 for ratio income multiplier type 2. However from the total tourist expenditure have occurred the economic leakages about 53.23%. The development prospect analyzed based on the physical, socio-economic and spatial aspect which indicates that the tourist area of Gunung Bunder deserve to be a a natural tourism so the sustainability must be maintained because it could provide a positive benefit for the surrounding community.en
dc.titleEstimasi Nilai dan Dampak Ekonomi serta Prospek Pengembangan Wisata Gunung Bunder Pasca Perluasan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salaken
dc.subject.keywordGunung Halimun Salak National Parken
dc.subject.keywordMultiplier Effecten
dc.subject.keywordIndividual Travel Cost Methoden
dc.subject.keywordGunung Bunderen

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