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dc.contributor.advisorSuparto, Irma Herawati
dc.contributor.authorFitri, Desy Kusuma
dc.description.abstractHydroxyapatite (HAp) was synthesized using calcium originated from rice fields snail shell, that was reacted with phosphate obtained from diammonium hydrogen phosphate. The resulted ore was modified using chitosan. The HAp was prepared using wet method. Chitosan was used as porogen due to its bioactivity and biocompatibility properties. Sonication time in the synthesis was varied in 2, 4, and 6 hours. The longer the synthesis time, the higher the purity of the HAp. Pore modification was applied to HAp with the highest purity. Pore modifications were conducted by adding 4% and 6% chitosan. Scanning electron microscope identification showed no significant differencein pore sizes using 4% and 6% chitosan. Fourier transform infrared spectrum of HAp with 6% chitosan showed almost similar functional groups with that of the unporogened HAp. In vitro test of the porogened HAp revealed its bioactivity.en
dc.titleSintesis Hidroksiapatit dari Cangkang Keong Sawah (Bellamya javanica) dengan Metode Basah dan Modifikasi Pori dengan Kitosanen
dc.subject.keywordwet methoden
dc.subject.keywordrice field snail shellen
dc.subject.keywordin vitro testen

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