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dc.contributor.advisorKemala, Tetty
dc.contributor.advisorSjahriza, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorSarifudin, Asep
dc.description.abstractBioplastic made from plasticized glycerol cassava flour with the addition of sodium alginate and limonene orange peel is an alternative to solve the problem of plastics waste. Bioplastic was produced by adjusting the composition of cassava flour:glycerol:sodium alginate:limonene orange peel as much as 75:5:16:4, 75:5:12:8, 75:5:8:12, 75:5:4:16, and 75:5:0:20. The analysis was performed to measure density, tensile strength, percent elongation, water vapor permeability, thermal properties, morphology, and functional groups. The value of density and tensile strength of bioplastics decreased with the addition of limonene orange peel, but the value of percent elongation increased significantly that means the elasticity of bioplastic is better. Functional groups analysis showed that bioplastics formed through physic interaction. Hydrophobic characteristic of limonene could decreased water vapor permeability of bioplastics and plasticizers characteristic of limonene that could entered into the polymer building blocks made bioplastics more brighter, elastic, and homogeneous.en
dc.titlePencirian Bioplastik Komposit Tepung Singkong dan Natrium Alginat dengan Aditif Limonena Kulit Jeruken
dc.subject.keywordSodium alginate.en

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