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dc.contributor.advisorSuketi, Ketty
dc.contributor.advisorSusila, Anas D
dc.contributor.authorMuslimawati, Nicha
dc.description.abstractPohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight.) is one of indigenous vegetables that grows in the mountain areas of West Java. Pohpohan in large quantities and in a short time can be done with cuttings of vegetative propagation, but it has not been developed at this time. The research was conducted at the Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies Experimental Field Tajur, Bogor, from January to July 2013. The research consisted of two experiments. The first experiment was to obtain the plant age of pohpohan that was good for the growth of stem cuttings pohpohan and the second experiment was to obtain the stem and growing media that was good for the growth of stem cuttings pohpohan. Treatment on first experiment was stem cutting pohpohan 3, 4, 5, and 6 months. Treatment of pohpohan 4 month showed the best of number of leaves and the increase of stem length. Stem cutting pohpohan 4 months on first experiment was gaved a treatment for second experiment, that was part of stem (tips, central, and base) and growing media (topsoil, rockwool, combination 1:1 of husk and compost, and vermicompost). There were 5 cuttings per treatment and 3 replications in this way a total was 720 cuttings. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Completely Block Design factorial.. The cutting pohpohan 4 month of stem tips were the best grown in husk and compost media with 11 number of leaves and 3.94 cm the increase of stem length. The cutting pohpohan of central stem were the best grown in husk and compost with 11 number of leaves and 2.67 cm the increase of stem length. The cutting pohpohan of base stem were best grown in husk and compost with 12 number of leaves and 2.38 cm the increase of stem length.en
dc.titlePertumbuhan Setek Batang Pohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight.) pada Umur Tanaman, Bagian Batang, dan Media Tanam yang Berbedaen

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