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dc.contributor.advisorSusila, Anas Dinurrohman
dc.contributor.authorRamadiani, Fita Lita
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research to determinate the frequency and source of nutrient applications on growth and yield of kangkong (Ipomoea sp.), caisin (Brassica juncea), and kale (Brassica oleraceae Var Acephala) in hydroponics. The experiment were arranged in a RCBD (Randomized Completely Block Design) with two factors, first factor source of nutrient (AB Mix, NPK 15:15:15, and NPK 12:14:12), and second factor is method of application (one time and two time) with four replication so there are 24 experimental units. The result show NPK 15:15:15 have similar effect with AB Mix in kangkong, caisin, and kale.With one time frequency application, the best fertilizer source is NPK 15:15:15, while with two time application the best fertilizer is AB Mix.en
dc.titleSumber dan Frekuensi Aplikasi Larutan Hara sebagai Pengganti AB Mix pada Budidaya Sayuran Daun secara Hidroponiken
dc.subject.keywordnutrient solution.en
dc.subject.keywordNPK 12:14:12en
dc.subject.keywordNPK 15:15:15en

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