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dc.contributor.advisorWisudo, Sugeng Hari
dc.contributor.advisorWiyono, Eko Sri
dc.contributor.advisorNurani, Tri Wiji
dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Novia Tri
dc.description.abstractSouthern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) is kind of big tuna that able to swim very fast and very long distance migration (highly migratory). SBT overfishing due to population decreased. If fishing uncontrollable, SBT will be destroyed, therefore it is endangered species. Commission for The Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) is a Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO) that focus on SBT management. Through appropriate management. CCSBT to ensure conservation and optimum exploitation of SBT. CCSBT adopt management process based on output control. CCSBT apply SBT fishing quota toward every country with Management Procedure (MP). As the member of Commission for The Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT), Indonesia shall follow the quota measure of SBT fishing that has determined. Therefore, good management and rules were needed for SBT exploitation in Indonesia in order to align with measures and international regulation that has agreed by Indonesia as part of CCSBT. Indonesia find difficulties to determine SBT fishing quota that due to surplus of SBT National quota. Therefore, management action based on output control through SBT fishing quota is very needed. SBT fisheries system in Indonesia could be identified through related elements with SBT fisheries system. This research will studied some issues that related to : (i) SBT resources, (ii) SBT fisheries exploitation, and (iii) SBT fisheries management. In this research, soft system methodology approach used to compose conceptual SBT quota management model in Indonesia. This research objective are : (1) to describe SBT fisheries in Indonesia, (2) to identify SBT fisheries problems in Indonesia, (3) to analyze SBT fisheries management in Indonesia, (4) to determine catch composition, productivity of tuna long line in Indonesia especially that doing SBT fishing activity, (5) to estimates fishing season, (6) to determine mean size at capture of SBT in Indonesia, and (7) to formulize conceptual fishing quota management model of SBT in Indonesia. Results of research could be concluded : 1. SBT fisheries have a unique character. Generally product of SBT in Indonesia for current 12 years (2002-2013) intend to increased. SBT that landed in Indonesia some of them fished in WPP-RI 573 (the Indian Ocean south of Java until sothern of Nusa Tenggara of south, western Sawu sea and Timor sea) that part of zone number 1 CCSBT statistical area of catch. 2. Common problem of SBT fisheries in Indonesia are : • Indonesia has a crucial area in the sustainability of SBT fisheries resources as spawning ground for SBT but SBT fisheries statistic data is not accurate; • Indonesia as a CCSBT member has not transformed to all obligation that in the CCSBT convention; • Indonesia’s SBT quota has surplus that determined by CCSBT and smaller than capability of Indonesia production. 3. In SBT fisheries management, Indonesia has made policies, such as : • National SBT quota given to two associations ATLI and ASTUIN. • Indonesia has transformed one of obligation that in the convention of CCSBT about fishing vessels registration in the national laws. • Indonesia attempt to find SBT data through Catch Documentation Scheme (CDS). 4. Southern bluefin tuna has the smallest percentage 4% from tuna longline catch in Indonesia. Trend of percentage SBT production has a tendency to increased following the increased of productivity value of tuna long line that catch SBT. This mean that the effectivity of capability rate tuna longline in Indonesia is still good. 5. SBT fishing season in Indonesia predicted start in August – March. 6. Mean size at capture of SBT (L50%) that landed in Indonesia was 145 cm FL that bigger than length at first maturity (Lm). 7. Complexity of SBT fishing quota management problem in Indonesia solved by formulized conceptual model that from root definitions. Conceptual model that resulted to this research that consist of : (1) Determination of SBT fishing quota in Indonesia by CCSBT; (2) Given SBT fishing quota in Indonesia; (3) Implementation of SBT fishing quota implementation in Indonesia; (4) Report of SBT fishing quota exploitation in Indonesia; (5) Surveillance of SBT fishing quota exploitation in Indonesia; (6) Increased of quality and Human Resources awareness (HRD); (7) Increased of association role.en
dc.titleSouthern Bluefin Tuna Fishing Quota Management in Indonesia.en
dc.subject.keywordsouthern bluefin tunaen
dc.subject.keywordtuna long lineen
dc.subject.keywordsoft system methodologyen

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