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dc.contributor.advisorRiyanto, Bambang
dc.contributor.advisorMaddu, Akhiruddin
dc.contributor.authorUtami, Feraliana Audia
dc.description.abstractOver the development of sensor technology, film based material gasochromic began to attract much attention due to the high potential applications. The use of tungsten trioxide (WO3) which classified as inorganic materials in the manufacture of thin film gasochromic start combined with organic materials to get the form of biosensors. Chitosan with a hydroxyl group and a highly reactive free amine will facilitate the exchange of ions. This study aims to create and characterize optical biosensors greenhouse gases based on gasochromic effect on composite material chitosan-tungsten trioxide (WO3). Tungsten trioxide obtained by precipitation with strong acids while the coating method used in the manufacture of thin film. WO3 crystals are formed in the monoclinic phase. Specific clusters were detected is OH, NH, CH, CO, and WO. Morphology of the samples showed an aggregate particle shape and has a pore. Interaction between chitosan and tungsten trioxide constituent atoms affect the components of the sample. The addition of 3% chitosan (C3) on a sample of tungsten trioxide thin film has a highest sensitivity, indicated the best limit detection on H2S exposure.en
dc.titleBiosensor Optik Gas Rumah Kaca Berbasis Efek Gasochromic pada Material Komposit Chitosan–Tungsten Trioksida (WO3)en
dc.subject.keywordtungsten trioxideen
dc.subject.keywordoptical biosensoren

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