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dc.contributor.advisorSoewardi, Kadarwan
dc.contributor.advisorHariyadi, Sigid
dc.contributor.authorListya, Ananda
dc.description.abstractWaduk Cirata start to functioned for fishery of floating net cages activity since 1988. One of the main commodities at Waduk Cirata is Black Prompet. It is one of the most fish to consume. Feeding with high Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) lead to high residual feed that accumulated at the base. Moreoverthe content of Phospor (P) at artificial feed was high enough to affect the height of the element P to waters causing eutrophication. This research aimed to estimate the total of P content from Black Pomfret’s floating net cages to environment and to estimate the optimal of carrying capacity at Waduk Cirata for the development of floating net cages to eco-friendly. This research was conducted in Waduk Cirata, West Java from January to March 2013. The release of total P was use JT’s feed is 12.95-12.93% of the weight of the fish and the feed given during maintenance while the SP’s feed is 6.24-6.58% of the weight of the fish and the feed given during maintenance. Carrying capacity was increased when using a feed with a low content of total P. Carrying capacity was obtained using JT’s feed, use 1 layer of net are 18 447 tonnes of fish/ growing season (18 400 plots KJA) while the 2 layer nets are 18 945 tonnes of fish/growing season (18 900 plots KJA).en
dc.titlePelepasan Fosfor dari Keramba Jaring Apung Ikan Bawal (Colosomma macropomum) di Waduk Cirata.en
dc.subject.keywordLoading Fosfor.en
dc.subject.keywordFloating Net Cageen
dc.subject.keywordBlack Pomfreten

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