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dc.contributor.advisorAffandi, Ridwan
dc.contributor.advisorHariyadi, Sigid
dc.contributor.authorWidyasti, Janty
dc.description.abstractEel consumption increased every year and the need to be fulfilled from catches in nature and cultivation. The availability of seed in nature is decreasing and survival rate of seeds cultivated was low. The solution is to improve the cultivation environment of seeds, so survival rate of eel seed is high to prevent over exploitation and to keep sustainability of eel in nature. The aim of the research is to get optimum salinity on eel seed rearing with size at ±1 gram. The research was conducted at Laboratory of Aquatic Animal Physiology, Aquatic Living Resource Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University in July for 21 days. The research employs random completely design which made up by 4 treatments which are salinity of 0, 1, 2, and 3 ppt with 3 replications. Each aquarium filled with 5 eels. The measured parameters were osmotic gradient, oxygen consumption, proximate analysis, weight loss and survival rate. Body weight loss and survival rate data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result of ANOVA indicated that salinity treatment were significantly (P<0.05) influenced the body weight loss. The optimum salinity for rearing eel seed with size ±1 gram is 1 ppt.en
dc.titleOptimasi salinitas pada pemeliharan benih ikan sidat (Anguilla sp)en
dc.subject.keywordeel seed (Anguilla sp)en

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