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dc.contributor.advisorArifin, Hadi Susilo
dc.contributor.advisorPutri, Eka Intan Kumala
dc.contributor.authorKadir, Zulkifli Aiyub
dc.description.abstractUtilization of the landscape by humans resulted varied landscape character in watershed Krueng Aceh. Changes occur is not harmonious arrangement of the impact of land use in the Krueng Aceh watershed has caused floods and droughts. Agroforestry is a land management system by means of the practice of intercropping, stands of trees and crops. The practice can be offered to address the problems that arise as a result of land use which decrease in soil fertilites, floods, droughts, flora fauna extinction, and global climate changes. This study aims (1) to analyze the diversity of plants in agroforestry practices that have a water conservation in landscape services Krueng Aceh. (2) Assess the service economy agroforestry landscape in the management of water resources in Krueng Aceh. (3) Develop agroforestry as a development strategy in the environmental services in watershed Krueng Aceh. The research location were determined by using purposive sampling method. Data collection was performed by the method of Rapid Agro- Biodiversity Appraisal. Total economic assessment with use value and non use values of agroforestry. Analysis of agroforestry as a development strategy for environmental services subsequently approach to Strength - Weakness - Opportunities - Threat (SWOT) analysis. The composition of the vegetation structure found in the study sites tend to vary with agroforestry diversity index were moderate (1 < H ' < 3) on the upper stream and middle stream Krueng Aceh watershed. Total economic value of the resultant agroforestry Krueng Aceh region was equal Rp.8 707 679 246 232. Based on the SWOT analysis and matrix Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) generated eight priority agroforestry management strategies as environmental services. Based on the results of the diversity of agroforestry, the need improvement types of plant species diversity in agro-forestry practices, both at the upper stream and middle stream watershed Krueng Aceh, especially plants that have environmental services in an effort to conserve soil and water, among others, Aleuritas moluccana, Mangifera indica, Bamboo sp, Ficus variegeta, Salix tetrasperma, Arenga pinata.en
dc.titleEconomic Valuation of Landscape Agroforestry as Environmental Services in Krueng Aceh watersheden
dc.subject.keywordsoil and water conservationen
dc.subject.keywordtotal economic valueen
dc.subject.keywordtree speciesen

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