The Level of Farmer’s Self Reliance in Making Decision for Business of Food Crops in Bogor District.
Food crop farmers is a profession that is known to a person whom doing food crops (rice and cash crops). Therefore, strengthening the farmer’s selfreliance is one of the important efforts in farmer-resource-based agricultural revitalization. Problems of agribusiness that have been existed in Bogor District, such as: small land owned farmers, low farmer income, utilization of simple tools for crop cultivation, low ability of farmers in applying new agro-technology and adopting innovation, farmers having low capital for carrying out agribusiness, and very few knowledge of farmers about postharvest processing and marketing are the reasons why farmer’s self-reliance in business of food crops is becoming very important to be increased. Based on the problems in Bogor District, research objectives are: (1) describing the level of farmers self-relience in making decision for business of food crops in Bogor District, (2) describing the characteristics of farmers in making decision for business of food crops in Bogor District, (3) describing the agricultural extension activities food crops in Bogor District, and (4) analyzing the factors that related to self-reliance of farmers in making decision for business of food crops in Bogor District. Research was carried out based on quantitative approach through descriptive explanatory survey. Total population of the farmers in studied areas was 12.838 people which have been existed in four farmer groups settled in Sub-districts of Pamijahan, Cigudeg, Cariu, and Tanjung Sari. Of 12.838 farmers, 154 people were determined as a number of research samples (respondent) that chose by using Slovin formula. Method of proportionate simple random sampling was used for getting the samples. Primary and secondary data were collected by using the instruments based on an operational definition of each research variable. Primary data were collected through a survey technique using questionnaires, interviews, observations and documentations, and some were directly recorded as daily notes. Secondary data were mainly taken from Local Government of Bogor District, i.e.: Statistics of Bogor District and of Pamijahan, Cigudeg, Cariu and Tanjung Sari Sub-districts, and some were cited from several reports. Data analyses were focused on descriptive statistical analysis consisting of frequency, percentage, mean value, sum of mean score and cross tabulations and inferential statistical analysis for determining the coefficient of Spearman rank correlation (rs). SPSS program for Windows of 19.00 versions was used for data tabulations. Questionnaire trial was conducted on 30 respondents excluding the determined samples, but they have the same characteristics; whereas test of validity was carried out by using the Pearson product moment correlation, from which 117 valid questions (rcalculation: 0.361 > rtable 0.3) were resulted, and test of reliability was done by using the method of Cronbach Alpha with the reliable results of (rcalculation: 0.643; 0.887; 0.916; 0.865 > rtable 0.60). Research results showed that: (1) the level of farmer’s self-reliance in making decisions for business of food crops, particularly in providing infrastructures and production inputs, food crop cultivation and post-harvest processing, could be categorized as high, except in marketing which is still low; (2) the food crop farmers in study areas have several characteristics, as follow: a productive age with the mean value of 47.29 years, they have low level in formal education with the mean value of 6.61 years, but they are eager to join with nonformal education in food crop cultivation through agricultural extension, in which they had three-times of participation during the last three years, small family member with the mean value of 4 persons, has little experience in business of food crops (mean value of 17.1 years), small land tenures (mean value of 4.352.87 m2); low farmer income (mean value of Rp. 1.294.737.78 month-1), cosmopolitan levels measured from total distance where formerly the farmers have closely traveled (mean value of 104.13 km), and high motivation in business of food crops. Externally, characteristics of farmers were showed by the presence of the support of farmer groups, the availability of infrastructures and production inputs, the supports of government policies and of institution of agricultural extensions, and a good role of society leaders but financial institutions and information resources seems to have still low supports; (3) the activities of agricultural extension as nonformal education for the farmers have been implemented well, which are characterized by the presence of educational materials and methods, educators with good competences, and interaction between educators and farmers but extension media is relatively poor and it needs to be improved; and (4) the factors that significantly related to the farmer’s selfreliance in making decisions for business of food crops are as follow: (a) internal factors of farmers, namely: formal and nonformal educations, experiences in business of food crops, cosmopolitan level, farmer’s income, and farmer’s motivation in business of food crops, (b) external factors of farmers, that are: supports of farmer groups, availabilities of infrastructure and production inputs, supports of institutions of agricultural extensions and of information resources, and supports of government policies and of the role of society leaders, (c) factors of agricultural extension activities, such as: materials, methods, educational media, educator’s competences, and interaction of educators and farmers. It is suggested that: (1) related to the level of farmer’self-reliance in the marketing of agricultural products with low result, it is important for Local Government of Bogor District should establish agricultural enterprises owned local government (BUMD) which has the function to absorb, market, and accommodate agricultural products; (2) financial institutions and agricultural resources support are low, so Bogor District Government needs to initiate of savings and loan formation at the village level. Likewise, improvement needed in the intensity of agricultural information dissemination in the rural areas, for example through radio broadcasts and magazines rural agricultural innovation; and (3) counseling of existing media, still varies, it is necessary for the conselour to increase the use of media education more varied, for example film, video, and other props. Related to the equipment procurement, either through the budget funds needed Expenditure Budget and Expenditure (APBD) or from the private sector.
- MT - Human Ecology [2268]