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dc.contributor.advisorKamal, Mohammad Mukhlis
dc.contributor.authorDewi, Yulia Sartika
dc.description.abstractSekongkang River is one of four rivers in Batu Hijau mining area of PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PT. NNT), Sumbawa. The dynamic of fish community in Sekongkang River was unknown. The aim of this research is to analyse the diversity of fish community in headwater stream of Sekongkang River, Sumbawa Island during 2008-2013 spatial and temporal. Primary and secondary data were used in this research, collected in April and September from monitoring result of PT. NNT. The data was analyzed for relative abundance, diversity index (H’), eveness index (E), and dominance index (C). The amount of total fishes caught in headwater stream of Sekongkang river during 2008-2013 were 2640 individuals consist of 40 species from 13 families of 6 order. The most abundance fishes were famili Gobiidae, Poechilidae, and Eleotrididae. The value H’, E, and C were 2,30; 0,62; and 0,15. Fish diversity in the upper Sekongkang river was high evently distributed with no dominated species in fish community. Factors affecting fish community is addressed to habitat heterogenity, water quality, and habitat availability.
dc.titleDinamika Struktur Komunitas Ikan di Bagian Hulu Sungai Sekongkang, Pulau Sumbawaen
dc.subject.keywordfish communityen
dc.subject.keywordSekongkang Riveren

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