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Study of natural fisheries management as complement of reservoir utilization for cage aquaculture (case study cirata reservoir)

dc.contributor.advisorSoewardi, Kadarwan
dc.contributor.advisorFahrudin, Achmad
dc.contributor.authorSafitri, Wahyuni
dc.description.abstractThe existence of floating cages in Cirata greatly affect all the activities around it, both in terms of ecology, economy and society that is in the reservoir. Floating net fish farming is a form that makes it easy for people who want to breed fish without having to have the land. Among the amenities are a series of effects of floating cages if not handled properly, such amounts exceed the carrying capacity of water, declining water quality and affect the capacity of fish that are out floating cages caused by siltation due to residual feed that settles in the bottom waters . This study seeks to examine how the carrying capacity of natural waters due to the influence of the presence of floating cages, so that it can be seen how much fish biomass that can be accommodated for floating cages conditions existing in Cirata, so that the maximum growth of natural fish can even be upgraded to economy perprofesi fishing communities as natural fisheries. From the results obtained parfish Cirata that carrying capacity is 5.550 tons/year. And carrying capacity after the restoration of the 7.777 tons/year, so that the carrying capacity of the reservoir can be increased to 2.227 tonnes of fish/year as bearing capacity utilization is still fulfilling for the economic improvement of society . Based on interviews with experienced fishermen fishery, there were approximately 75.7 % of fishermen who use boats as a transport machine, 20.9 % of people with fisherman using a raft and 3.1 % of people who use the paddle boat. Among the respondents there are 69.4 % using fishing nets, 27.2 % with nets, and 3, and 1 % to about 66 % longline fishermen keep fishing and 34 % as a sideline. Based on the results of the economic analysis, the level of income of fishermen prior to the carrying capacity of Rp 797.881/month, for the fisherman who is still when compared to local minimum wage (UMR) in 2013 Cianjur around Rp 970.000 (Indonesia’s Head minister of economic, 2013) the benefits of the business is under the minimum wage limit. However, after the restoration of fishermen's income increased to 1.356.916/month. From the results stated that restoration could improve the lives and incomes of fishermenen
dc.description.abstractKeberadaan keramba jaring apung di Waduk Cirata sangat mempengaruhi segala aktivitas di sekitarnya, baik dari segi ekologi, maupun ekonomi masyarakat yang berada di waduk. Keramba jaring apung adalah suatu bentuk budidaya ikan yang mmeberikan kemudahan bagi masyarakat yang ingin membudidayakan ikan tanpa harus mempunyai lahan diantara kemudahan tersebut terdapat sederetan efek yang ditimbulkan oleh keramba jaring apung jika tidak ditangani dengan baik. Diantaranya jumlah yang melampaui daya dukung kapasitas perairan, kualitas perairan yang menurun akan mempengaruhi daya tampung ikan yang berada di luar keramba jaring apung akan menyebabkan terjadinya pendangkalan akibat sisa pakan yang mengendap di dasar perairan.
dc.titleKajian pengelolaan perikanan alami sebagai komplemen dalam pemanfaatan waduk untuk perikanan keramba jaring apung (studi kasus Waduk Cirata, Jawa Barat)en
dc.titleStudy of natural fisheries management as complement of reservoir utilization for cage aquaculture (case study cirata reservoir)
dc.subject.keywordcarrying capacityen
dc.subject.keywordCirata reservoirsen
dc.subject.keywordnatural fisheryen

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