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dc.contributor.advisorAffandi, Ridwan
dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Sri
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze some aspects of cichlid fish reproduction (tilapia, oscar, and goldsoum) in reservoir Cirata. This research was done from February to July 2012. Fish samples obtained using gillnet in reservoir Cirata. Analysis ware done to determine fish abundance, diversity, evenness and fish dominance, relation between length and weight, condition factor sex ratio, gonad maturity, gonad somatic index, fecundity, and oocyte diameter. Cichlid fish ware 357 individual consisted of tilapia 166 individuals (46.49%), oscar 106 individuals (29.69%), and goldsom 85 individuals (23.80%). Amount of tilapia and oscar were abundant in maleber station, as for goldsoum were abundant in Tegal Datar station. The highest diversity (H’) is in Maleber station (2.15). The highest spesies evenness (E) was in DAM station (0.79) and the highest species dominanc was in Maleber station (0.84). Tilapia, oscar and goldsoum growth pattern are isometric. The highest condition factor for tilapia was in Februari 2012; the highhest condition factor for oscar and goldsoum was in May 2012. During the study, sex ratio (male:female) of tilapia ranged from 1.0:0.5 to 1.0:1.6, oscar from 1.0:1.3 to 1.0:0, and goldsom from 1.0:0 to 1.0:1.8 (test "chi-squere" at 0.05 significance level). First mature gonad of male and female tilapia was 209 mm and 179 mm, oskar 144 mm and 141 mm, and goldsoum 146 mm and 136 mm. Based on the level of maturity of gonads and gonad somatic index, tilapia had spawning peaks in May and July 2012, oscar and goldsoum had spawning peaks in July 2012. Fecundity of tilapia ranged from 1636 to 5068 eggs, oscar ranged from 1241 to 2757 eggs, and goldsom ranged from 1914 to 4003 eggs. Oocyte diameter of tilapia was 0.4-4.36 mm, oskar was 0.63-2.39 mm dan goldsoum was 0.25-2.45 mm. Based on the oocyte diameter distribution, the type of spawning tilapia, oscar and goldsoum was a partial spawning.en
dc.titleReproduksi ikan cichlid di Waduk Cirata, Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.keywordCichlid fishen
dc.subject.keywordCirata Reservoiren

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