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dc.contributor.advisorSaprudin, Deden
dc.contributor.advisorArif, Zulhan
dc.contributor.authorIsmawati, Iis
dc.description.abstractCitrate content of bilimbi fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi) is potential as a Fe3+ reductor in nanomagnetite synthesis through hydrothermal method. The purpose of this experiment was to synthesis nanomagnetite using FeCl3, urea, and water extract of the fruit by hydrothermal method. Some fruit samples were smashed using blender to give suspension and water extract. The suspension reacted with FeCl3 and urea by hydrothermal method at 200 oC for 12 hours did not formed nanomagnetite, while those reacted under the same treatment formed nanomagnetite. The filtrate gave crystal size of 27.06 nm, which was smaller than that synthesized using sodium citrate as a reducing agent. The synthesized nanomagnetite contained 7 ppm cobalt and the liquid of the synthesized magnetite contained 52% ammonium showing the decomposed urea during the synthesis. Based on the experiment, water extract of bilimbi fruit can be used in nanomagnetite synthesis.en
dc.subject.ddcbilimbi fruiten
dc.titleEkstrak Air Buah Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi) sebagai Reduktor dalam Pembuatan Nanomagnetiten

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