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dc.contributor.advisorPutri, Eka Intan Kumala
dc.contributor.authorFirdaus, Hilman
dc.description.abstractSmallholder Forest have economic and ecological functions. The economic function of smallholder forest, such as timber and firewood can be called as tangible values. The ecological functions which are called intangible values are absorbing carbons and retaining waters. The objectives of this research are to identify the actual condition of Giriwoyo smallholder forest, to estimate its economic value, to analyze its institutional management and to formulate recommendations for better management. The method used to identify the actual condition of Giriwoyo smallholder forest is descriptive analysis. The benefits of Giriwoyo smallholder forest are calculated using Total Economic Value (TEV) approach. Institutional management are analyzed using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The result of this research shows that Total economic value of Giriwoyo smallholder forest is about IDR 17.622.296.440 per annum. Its management institution seemed quite good because there was clear division of labour. Based on analysis of IPA, the function of farmers in doing a fertilization and the role of government in coordination must be prioritizeden
dc.titleNilai Ekonomi Total dan Analisis Multistakeholder Hutan Rakyat di Kecamatan Giriwoyo, Kabupaten Wonogiri, Jawa Tengahen
dc.subject.keywordSmallholder Foresten

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