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dc.contributor.advisorEkayani, Meti
dc.contributor.authorKatalinga, Genyas
dc.description.abstractPari Island wich is known as research and conservation area of coral reefs by P2O LIPI, now also developed as a natural tourism area. One of the purposes of tourism development in Pari Island is to increase local economy. Most of the local people in Pari Island work in fisheries sector which now face a fish stock depletion due to the overfishing problem. Thus the tourism sector is expected to contribute to the local community income. This study was conducted to calculate the carrying capacity of Pari Island for beach and snorkeling activities, estimating the economic value of tourism in Pari Island, and the contribution of the tourism sector to local community income. Based on calculation, the value of tourism suitability index and carrying capacity of the location are in the category suitable. The economic value of tourism in Pari Island are estimated using individual travel cost method and show the results Rp 152.627.300.000,00/year. The existence of the tourism sector in Pari Island also contributed 70,12 percent to local community income. The number of economic value and tourism contribution to the local community income are indirectly indicate that tourism sector in Pari Island is important for society and the environment. Thus, tourist activity in Pari Island can be developed with limit of environmental carrying capacity.en
dc.titleAnalisis Ekonomi dan Daya Dukung Pengembangan Ekowisata Pulau Pari Kepulauan Seribu, Jakartaen
dc.subject.keywordsustainable tourismen
dc.subject.keywordtourism contributionen
dc.subject.keywordthe economic value of tourismen
dc.subject.keywordthe environmental carrying capacityen
dc.subject.keywordPari Islanden

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