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dc.contributor.advisorsmail, Ahyar I
dc.contributor.authorNifkiayu, Annisia
dc.description.abstractWastewater that had been processed using Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) can obtain several benefits. This research was conducted to recognize the process and benefits of wastewater treatment, to analyze household’s WTP and its influential factors, and to analyze the feasibility study of the STP. The methods used in this research are qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis, contingent valuation method, linear regression, and benefit-cost analysis. The benefits of wastewater treatment are reducing wastewater flowrate and pollution, increasing cooperation among citizen, developing knowledge about the usage of wastewater, greening the environment, and reducing household’s expenditure on water using. People can save of IDR 4 920 per month for reusing the wastewater whereas their average WTP to keep its sustainability is about IDR 3 300. The influential factors related to WTP are income rate, length of stay, and also perception about the performance of domestic STP. Furthermore, household’s average WTP value is observed to make the STP proper to be operated based on NPV, Net B/C, and IRR criteria.en
dc.titleNilai Ekonomi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Tangga di Perumahan Bugel Mas Indah, Kelurahan Bugel, Kecamatan Karawaci, Kota Tangerangen
dc.subject.keywordTangerang cityen
dc.subject.keywordsewage treatment planten
dc.subject.keywordeconomic valueen

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