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dc.contributor.advisorSjahriza, Ahmad
dc.contributor.advisorSugiarti, Sri
dc.contributor.authorPurba, Seffriwati
dc.description.abstractEdible film is thin layer made of food grade materials and increase shelf life of food product. Carrageenan derived from seaweed (Euchema cottoni) is polysaccharide that can be used for producing edible film. Konjac flour, cellulose, and glycerol were added as compatibilizers which can improve physical properties of the edible film. The added konjac flour were 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, and 12.5% b/v. Cellulose and glycerol used were 0.1 and 0.75 g, respectively. Addition of konjac flour less than 10% decrease the tensile strength up to 2.87 MPa, in contrast to addition of 12.5% that increased the tensile strength of the film up to 5.60 MPa. The film containing 12.5% konjac flour showed the highest elongation (42.09%) and the lowest water vapor permeability (0.0423 ng m m-2 s-1 Pa-1). Infra red spectra of the films showed no new functional group formation. Thermal analysis showed that all films were decomposed by exothermic and endothermic reactionen
dc.titleFilm Edibel Berbahan Dasar Karaginan dengan Tambahan Tepung Porang (Amorphophallus onchophyllus) dan Selulosaen
dc.subject.keywordwater vapor permeabilityen
dc.subject.keywordmechanical propertiesen
dc.subject.keywordkonjac flouren

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