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dc.contributor.advisorKemala, Tetty
dc.contributor.authorRiyanto, Agung Ardy
dc.description.abstractSynthesis of hydroxyapatite (HAp) from high calcium garden snail (Bellamya javanica) shell and diammonium hydrogen phosphate was added with rice starch. The HAp synthesis was conducted by wet method. One advantage of using garden snail shell waste in HAp synthesis is due to its high calcium content. The porogen used was rice starch. Starch is good to be applied in biomedicals due to its biodegradability and biocompatibility. Rice starch has high amylopectin to form porous structure. Rice starch concentrations used were 20 % and 30 %. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that HAp was dominated by a structure with high crystalinity. HAp with 30 % rice starch gave the best result with the pore size of 0.63-1.59 μm. Functional group analysis showed that HAp-rice starch had no carbonate functional group. Apatite crystals grew in the simulated body fluide (SBF) solution in the sixth day of in vitro test.en
dc.titlePemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Keong Sawah (Bellamya javanica) untuk Sintesis Hidroksiapatit dengan Modifikasi Pori Menggunakan Pati Beras Ketanen
dc.subject.keywordrice starchen
dc.subject.keywordgarden snail shellen

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