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dc.contributor.advisorEkayani, Meti
dc.contributor.authorAlsita, Indah
dc.description.abstractFlood is a routine thing that happens in Jakarta and it is still difficult to overcome by government. Government has conducted various programs to reduce losses due to flooding, such as Pesanggrahan river normalization. Flooding that occured on 17-19 January 2013 caused much damage to the various groups, both of them were micro scale business and small scale business. This research is expected to be useful for policy recomendation basic in flood mitigation program. The specific purpose of this research were to identify businessman’s perceptions about flood risk, to estimate direct damages and losses valueof businesses unit due to flooding, to predicted the lower losses due to flooding after Pesangrahan normalization program, and to analyze the flood vulnerability in businesses unit. Sampling method used is multistage random sampling and analyzes methode used is Spearman correlation, stage damage function and stage damage curve. Results showed the businessmans generally realize that their business location prone to flooding, however not all have the high desire to do something to mitigate flood risk. Respondent tend to expectfrom government program. Estimation results of total structural damages assessment is Rp 258 908 010 and total losses value is Rp 545 848 100. If normalization program goes well and with the assumption can reduce the average height of flood inundation until 72.72% of previous, then total losses value will decrease to 42%. If it can reduce the average flood duration until 96.84% of previous, then total losses value will decrease to 61%. Results of flood vunerability analysis showed that small scale bussiness units are more vulnerable to flooding, and bussines units located in Rawa Buaya are more vulnerable to flooding if related to the flood duration, whereas bussines units located in Kedoya Selatan are more vulnerable to flooding if related to inudation.en
dc.titleEstimasi Kerugian Usaha Mikro dan Kecil Akibat Banjir Sungai Pesanggrahan (Studi Kasus Kelurahan Kedoya Selatan dan Rawa Buaya Jakarta Barat)en
dc.subject.keywordstage damage functionen
dc.subject.keywordflood vulnerablity anlysisen
dc.subject.keywordestimation flood lossesen

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