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dc.contributor.advisorRahayu, Megayani Sri
dc.contributor.authorAndriani, Estu Widi
dc.description.abstractNowdays, organic farming have been a lifestyle for a part of society. Demand of organic vegetable particulary spinach will increase. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of green manure on growth and yield of spinach (Amaranthus tricolor) in hydroponics system. The study was conducted at Parung Farm, Bogor and Post Harvest Laboratory in Department of Agronomy and Horticulture IPB from April to August 2013. The experiment used randomized completely block design with one factor. The factor are five level of treatments: full dose recomended AB Mix fertilizer, combination compost Mucuna bracteata and half dose recomended AB Mix fertilizer, combination extract Mucuna bracteata and half dose recomended AB Mix fertilizer, combination compost Imperata cylindrica and half dose recomended AB Mix fertilizer, combination extract Imperata cylindrica and half dose recomended AB Mix fertilizer. The research results indicated that the combination of extract Imperata cylindrica and half dose AB Mix fertilizer give similiar result with full dose AB Mix fertilizer on growth and yield of spinach.en
dc.titlePeran Pupuk Hijau terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus tricolor) secara Hidroponiken
dc.subject.keywordGreen Manureen
dc.subject.keywordImperata cylindricaen
dc.subject.keywordLeaf Vegetableen
dc.subject.keywordMucuna bracteataen
dc.subject.keywordSemi organicen

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