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dc.contributor.advisorAidi, Muhammad Nur
dc.contributor.advisorSumertajaya, I Made
dc.contributor.authorUla, Rizki Rahmadian Miftahul
dc.description.abstractThe large number of universities in Indonesia make students have to decide which one they would choose as their higher education. Bogor Agricultural University is one of the state universities in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to obtain the factors that influence the decision of IPB students, generation of 2012/2013, in choosing IPB as a place to continue their higher education. Data collection was performed by the method of random sampling strata. In preliminary survey result, it was found 32 reason statements of IPB students, generation of 2012/2013, in choosing IPB as a place to pursue their higher education. The data obtained were then processed using factor analysis, and the results of this processing were used to classify the 32 reason statements into 10 factors with a cumulative variability percentage that can be explained in the amount of 71.265%. These factors are namely IPB factor as agricultural-based university and the ideals of the prospective students, IPB factor as qualified university and its good future promise, cost factor and IPB student characteristics, promotion factor and IPB campus environmental factor, native school environmental factor, IPB factor as a proud state university, knowledge factor of the university, students family environmental factor, major subject desired factor and IPB location, and IPB factor as the top choice university.en
dc.titleFaktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Mahasiswa IPB Angkatan 2012/2013 Memilih IPB Sebagai Tempat Melanjutkan Pendidikan Tinggien
dc.subject.keywordfactor analysisen
dc.subject.keywordstratified random samplingen

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