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Kondisi Ekologi Makrobentos Pada Ekosistem Mangrove Dan Laut Desa Hanura, Kecamatan Padang Cermin, Propinsi Lampung.

dc.contributor.advisorAdiwilaga, Enan M.
dc.contributor.advisorWardiatno, Yusli
dc.contributor.authorSiegers, Willem Hendry
dc.description.abstractMangrove forest waters is an area that always affected by seawater tide; soft and always wet substrate with rich of organic materials. Mangrove forest water is very sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance. Thus, it will increase the amount of dissolve organic materials on surface, body, and bottom of sediment waters which will affect the physical-chemical condition of waters and macrobenthos community. The aim of this study is to describe ecological condition of macrobenthos in mangrove forest through diversity index, similarity index, and dominance index; describe physical-chemical parameter condition of interstisial waters on mangrove sediment and seawater; analyze organic materials inputs from mangrove leaves against macrobenthos abundance. This research was conducted in mangrove forest Hanura Village, Padang Cermin Sub-district, Lampung Province; from February-June 2012; using quadrate transect. Linier regression analysis shows that have different for physical-chemical parameter of interstisial water on mangrove sediment. Some macrobenthos have correlated with physical-chemical interestrial water on the mangrove sediment with value R2>50%. Coefficient determinan test indicate Anadara ferruginea (R2= 57,9%) and Chicoreus torrefactus (R2= 56,2%) have a real correlation with interestrial water in mangrove sediment and seawater. Coefficient correlation value Anadara ferruginea is (76,1%) and Chicoreus torrefactus is (75,0%) was shown linier relationship between macrobenthos and parameter physical-chemical waters.en
dc.titleCondition of Macrobenthos on Mangrove and Sea Ecosystem in Hanura Village, Padang Cermin Sub-district, Lampung Provinceen
dc.titleKondisi Ekologi Makrobentos Pada Ekosistem Mangrove Dan Laut Desa Hanura, Kecamatan Padang Cermin, Propinsi Lampung.
dc.subject.keywordMacrobenthos communityen
dc.subject.keywordmangrove and seawateren
dc.subject.keywordphysical-chemical of wateren

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